Traditions at CNS
Since 1945, CNS has developed and maintained a variety of different traditions. They include...
The Yellow Balloon Fair
Every year, on a Saturday in May, CNS hosts the Yellow Balloon Fair. CNS families work together to create a day of joy for children and their families through a variety of traditional fair games, activities, and food. It’s a community rich day, which is open to everyone in town and beyond.
Ring the Bell!
On a child’s birthday, they are invited to ring “Barbara’s Bell” – the bell that sits high above our front door. Children ring the bell the number of years they have turned, and then “wait for it” … we listen for all the “good luck” rings that come after those!
Grand-Special Persons Day
Close to May Day each spring, we welcome grandparents, or special persons to come for a morning visit which includes snack, activities, and sharing. The community overflows with love and togetherness. This is a very special day indeed!
Winter & Light
While we may not celebrate any particular holidays at CNS, we do welcome Winter with a celebration of light and wonder during our time in December. Parts of the school are transformed into a magical winter wonderland.
Open Choice
Throughout the year, on designated days determined by the teaching staff, the classrooms open the pocket doors which connect them and children are invited to play in any and all of the classroom spaces. This is a wonderful way to build community and encourage children to become familiar with all parts of the school, Open Choice is a favorite opportunity among the children to explore, make new friends, and rediscover old ones.
Our Hallway
Down the long hallway at CNS, an exhibit of children’s work helps to share the variety of investigations that happen in each classroom. The Hallway is used as a living documentation tool to connect with the entire community and also be used as a teaching tool for staff and families, alike. We “see, think, and wonder” about the experiences happening at CNS.