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Program Overview

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Community Nursery School will offers morning programs (8:30 AM -12 PM) for three-year-olds, four-year-olds, and five-year-old children. We also offer extended afternoon programming until 3:00 PM from Monday through Friday. 



Community Nursery School is in session from the second full week in September through mid-June. All groups have a gradual transition into their classrooms at the beginning of the school year. Children come in smaller groups and stay for a slightly shorter time during the first two weeks. Even for children who have been to school before, this is important because they are adjusting to new teachers, new classmates, new routines, and new physical spaces. Our primary focus is to provide a program that supports the healthy emotional development of the children. The school day runs from 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM with a rolling drop-off period from 8:30 - 9 AM. Vacations and holidays typically coincide with those of the Lexington School System, with some adjustments.


Age Requirements

Entrance age is three years by December 31st. Children in the three-year-old program (Yellow Door Room) progress to the four and five-year-old program (Red Door and Blue Door Rooms). Depending upon their birthday, children may need two or three years of nursery school. Our program allows children to be in a new classroom each year. While current students have priority over new students, there are always openings in the four-year old program each year for new students to the school.


Diversity at CNS

Community Nursery School is a non-profit institution and is open to all children and families without regard to race, color, cultural heritage, sex, religion, disability, gender orientation, or national origin. At CNS we strive to help children recognize and appreciate their own unique qualities as well as those of others. We also help children understand the common threads that we all share. CNS works closely with the Lexington Public Schools Special Education Department to provide an inclusive environment that allows all children to learn and grow together. Because families are actively involved at the school, we have the unique opportunity to learn from one another. We are committed to diversity at CNS and welcome families to share their stories, foods, songs, crafts, and customs to help us learn about and celebrate the cultural richness of our community.

Program Offerings

The CNS core program runs from 8:30am to 12:00pm. It includes three active classrooms, a multipurpose room (studio and kitchen area), and nearly two acres of private outdoor space.


The Yellow Door Room is mainly composed of children who are three years of age. Up to twelve children attend the Yellow Door Room each morning. We offer an option of two or three days in this classroom (MWF or T/TH). Five days is also an option for a small number of children.


The Red Door Room is for the younger four year olds. The Blue Door Room is for the older four and five year olds. In both the Red and Blue Door classrooms, enrollment is capped at sixteen children per classroom. Both the Red and Blue Door classrooms will offer four and five day consistent weekly schedules, such that children attending four days will all attend the same four days (M-Th), while the children attending five days will stay on for the fifth day (Friday) as a smaller group.


The ratio of children to teachers is approximately eight to one, with our youngest group having a ratio of six to one (children:teachers).

The educators and Director are highly experienced, gifted, and deeply caring individuals who are committed to working in a developmental and cooperative environment. Each classroom has two co-teachers. Our entire faculty is trained in early childhood education and many teachers have advanced degrees in education. All staff members are trained in and maintain First Aid and CPR as well as ongoing professional development.


Our primary consideration is to provide a program that is in the best interest of the children. Each classroom offers children a balance of individual and group exploration with materials and ideas. Children have opportunities to experiment and express themselves using a myriad of art, building, sensory, nature/found objects, and dramatic play materials. While there is a routine flow to the day, there is also flexibility based on a deep respect for the needs and interests of the individual children and the group. There is always a mid-morning snack, a music and movement period, and time for play in our expansive outdoor space.



Community Nursery School

2325 Massachusetts Avenue

Lexington, MA 02421

Phone: (781) 862-0741


© 2023 by Community Nursery School

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