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Giving to CNS
CNS is an independent, non-profit preschool that depends upon tax-deductible donations to support its efforts as a school. We are so appreciative of the contributions that we receive from generous donors like you! Thank you for helping us continue to provide a strong early childhood experience for all children – one that is rooted in honoring our youngest citizens for the endless possibilities they share with us.
“The ultimate gift we can give the world is to grow our tiny humans into adult humans who are independent thinkers, compassionate doers, conscious questioners, radical innovators, and passionate peacemakers." - L.R. Knost
Your continued support will go a long way to enabling us to continue to create the wonder and community that is so special at Community Nursery School. CNS was started by a small group of parents in their home in1943 and then became an incorporated preschool on the grounds we have all come to cherish, in 1945. Since then, we have been grateful to open our doors to so many families who continue on the tradition of connection -- connection between families and children, teachers, other families, school, and the greater world. We are connected to each other through our love for CNS.
Your donation allows us to continue sharing CNS with new families year after year. It makes preschool possible for many generations of children to come. It allows us to continue to keep our doors open.
We thank you for making all of this possible and for being a part of Community Nursery School’s beautiful 80 year history!
Ways to Donate
Mail a Check
Payable to
Community Nursery School
2325 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexington, MA 02421

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